Tourism Restart
Procedures for DMCs in the new normal
Sri Lanka is ready to welcome guests from around the world to discover its wonder.
Discover bellow the new procedures put in place to ensure the safety & security of guests as well as staff. Discover the procedures and process to be followed as DMC, to ensure that your guests have a frictionless holiday to Sri Lanka.

Process Outline
Outline of the Proceedures Sent by SLTDA

Guests Visa Process
Guest to Apply for ETA
Guests will need to apply for Visa before any of the bellow processes are filled.
1. Guests will apply for the ETA using the normal process at http://www.eta.gov.lk/slvisa/ .
2. DMCs will need to provide the first hotels confirmation number (voucher number) and the address to be entered in the address in Sri Lanka field.
3. Once done the guest will see that their ETA is Pending and receive an ETA reference number. The guests should send the ETA reference number along with passenger details such as passport number.
4. See bellow Step for details on how to approve ETA.

Approving ETA - Form A
Approving ETA via Form A
1. Send Details via a google form “Guest Confirmation Schedule Form A”. This form will be communicated to all Safe & Secure DMCs by SLTDA.
FYI - We can not post the link to the form here as it is confidential.
2. You can check the ETA status by entering details here - https://eta.gov.lk/etaslvisa/pages/checkStatus.jsp . If not confirmed within 36 hours please follow up with SLTDA.
When to do this?
This needs to be done after guests complete their ETA. The ETA will show as pending until this step is completed.
Points to note –
Incomplete forms will not be processed.
Please contact achinislcb@srilanka.travel & helloagain@srilanka.travel for assistance only if ETA is not approved after checking.
Do not resubmit the form unless you have made a mistake.
This is not required for guests arriving on Charter Flights, since the travel agent would have shared a list.
Process for Dual Nationals; Sri Lankan Spouses, Children & Parents of foreigners & Resident Visa holders
1. Fill form A - For Dual Nationals, Spouses of foreigners & Resident Visa holders, the DMC will need to submit form A selecting the right category. They will not require an ETA, therefore ETA reference can be filled as Not Applicable
2. Sri Lanka Tourism Confirmation Letter - As per the Sri Lanka Tourism Guidelines, dual citizens and resident passport holders and Sri Lanka Citizens accompanying spouse or close family members with foreign passport holders, can follow the tourist route and not require ETA. However, some airlines are still requesting approval from Sri Lanka for them to board the flight. SLTDA will issue a letter to these guests confirming their Travel following the tourist route.
Write to HelloAgain@srilanka.travel with the Name, Passport No, Arrival flight details & nationality of all travelling guests at least 3 days prior to arrival.
DMC will need to coordinate this.
A letter will be emailed to the respective hotel (or the S & S Travel Agent) to share with the guest.
Making Payments to SLTDA
Making Payment for PCR & Insurance
1. Deposit the amount for PCR & Insurance to the bellow Dollar Account.
Account Name: Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
Account Number: 87005390
Bank: Bank of Ceylon
Branch: Corporate
2. Send the bellow format along with proof of payment to the following emails.
Points to note –
Incomplete forms will not be processed.
For assistance with Insurance and early issuing of insurance, please contact dadeepans@srilanka.travel .
When to do this?
Payements need to be done to approve ETA. There is a 14 day credit period after the ETA Approval Submission (Step 1) to make the payment.
Sending Arrival Details- Form B
Step 3 - Sending Arrival Details - Form B
1. Send Details via a google form “Guest Confirmation Schedule Form B”. This form will be communicated to all Safe & Secure DMCs by SLTDA.
FYI - We can not post the link to the form here as it is confidential.
Points to note –
Incomplete forms will not be processed.
Please contact achinislcb@srilanka.travel & helloagain@srilanka.travel for assistance only if needed.
When to do this?
At least 1 day prior (before 12 noon) to arrival date. We recommend a week prior to arrival.
Sending Itinerary
Step 4 - Sending Itinerary (Round Tours Only)
1. Send Details of the itinerary to SLTDA using the bellow format. This is vital to get approval for excursions. Please also attach a copy of guest itinerary.
Email to - excursions@srilanka.travel
2. Once sent, SLTDA will send back their unique tour code.
3. All amendments will need to be sent following the same format.
Points to note –
Toilet Stops and refreshment stops need to be mentioned in the format. The DMC is responsible to ensure that the stop is cleared by Local Medical Offers and that there are no community interactions.
When to do this?
After ETA is confirmed and the guest itinerary is confirmed. At least 1 day prior to arrival date (12-noon previous day). We recommend a week prior to arrival.
Sending Day Excursion Info
Step 4- b - Sending Day Excursion Details
Important Point -
If an itinerary is sent this DOES NOT need to be sent. This is for excursions that are booked while in Sri Lanka. For example for beach stays.
1. Send Details of the excursion to SLTDA using the corresponding bellow formats. This is vital to get approval for excursions.
Email to - excursions@srilanka.travel​
2. Once sent, SLTDA will send back their unique tour code.
3. All amendments will need to be sent following the same format.
Points to note –
Toilet Stops and refreshment stops need to be mentioned in the format. The DMC is responsible to ensure that the stop is cleared by Local Medical Offers and that there are no community interactions.
When to do this?
At least 1 day prior (12-noon previous day). We recommend a week prior.
Process after first 14 days
Step 1 - Send Details to SLTDA to obtain a letter of completion of 14 days in level 1.
The hotel or DMC will need to send SLTDA to a confirmation email to confirm the guest will complete the 14 days of stay at Level 1 hotel/s.
1. Send the following details to SLTDA for the clients who will be staying more than day 14. Details needed include – Full Name, Passport No., Nationality, E-mail address, WhatsApp contact number of the guest & 3 negative PCR Reports if available with the DMC.
2. DMC or Final Level 1 hotel will need to send the details along with 3 negative PCR reports (If available) to safetravels@srilanka.travel. The hotel needs to send separate emails for each guest (if a family, should include as a group.) sent at least two days prior to checkout.
3. DMC and/or the hotel will need to keep the guest informed of the email safetravels@srilanka.travel in case they have any assistance.
4. After SLTDA receives the relevant details, they will issue a letter (emailed to the respective hotel or DMC) that the guest has successfully completed his 14 days and is free to move into the community. Hotel will share this letter with the guest at the time of checkout.
IMP - This can be done by the DMC or the final level 1 hotel. Please make sure only one of these parties sends the details in and that there is no duplication.